The importance of French factories for the environment
What is the link between French factories and environment according to you?
The French are starting to become aware of the importance of French factories for the environment. It is a real awareness that is at work within the French population. Indeed, 68% of French people believe they have changed their habits and now consume “made in France”.
This is clearly a step forward as the environmental impact of items designed in France is much lower than that of products made on the other side of the world, and imported afterwards. Manufacturing with a local vision is a choice often motivated by environmental protection.
The importance of French factories for the environment: focus on the law and the figures
Focus on regulations
French law does not require companies to indicate the country of origin on a non-food product manufactured within the European Union.
Nevertheless, companies generally choose to claim “Made in France” since this mention shows a certain concern for the environment, sustainable development, energy consumption, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, etc…
When the elements that make up the product come from different countries, the articles can be Made in France in two cases
if it has undergone its last transformation in France.
if 45% of the product’s added value was produced in France.
Figures on the importance of French factories for the environment
According to IFOP, 85% of French people are more interested in CSR issues since the last 5 years. Indeed, citizens understand the importance of French factories for the environment. Still with this idea of ethical fashion and eco-gestures, the French :
- Practice more carpooling and selective sorting
- Use compost
- Try to give a new life to their products in a zero waste perspective
- When they have the opportunity, limit their consumption of cups and air conditioning
Also, 93% of consumers believe that buying a product made in France is a way to support local businesses.
3 out of 4 French people think that national products are of better quality and have a better carbon footprint because of their action plan. This is why they are willing to buy French products, even if they are sometimes more expensive.
4 reasons to recognize the importance of French factories for the environment, besides the environmental impact
Despite the importance of French factories for the environment, are you still hesitating to turn to a product made in France?
- If you are looking for quality, the made in France is made for you.
Buying French is to be sure to acquire products of superior quality. The standards, labels and ecolabels are, indeed, very strict.
- Safety when you use the product.
In 2015, Brussels listed 2000 imported products considered dangerous to health. Most of them were Chinese. At the same time, in terms of safety and hygiene, “Made in France” is subject to very strict standards, which gives the user the assurance of buying a safe product, with a much longer life.
- Support for the national economy.
Importing foreign products logically slows down industrial activity in our country. Buying French means promoting local initiatives and preserving French jobs.
- The guarantee of respect for working conditions.
Buying a product made in France means being sure that it has been designed in accordance with good working conditions. In many factories, such as in Bangladesh or China, the human conditions of employees are not respected at all.
The frantic pace, the dismissal of women during pregnancy, or the exposure to chemicals and toxic products are a reality in these factories.
You should also know that nearly 250 million children work in the world. Among them, 150 million in dangerous conditions.
These reasons push the French to opt for ethical purchases. They are thus becoming consumer-actors, and not just passive consumers.
The French market: a promising market
This awareness of consumers makes the French market very interesting.
The Made in France market was, a long time ago, a real commercial niche market. This is why French companies tended to internationalize their production and minimize production in France because it was more expensive. Unfortunately, these practices were very polluting, and had a strong ecological impact.
But today, many companies are entering the Made In France market, a market of the future with a strong competitive advantage.
Among these companies, 62% of them note that the Made in France is an argument that has a real impact on the turnover. Indeed, this mention, guaranteeing environmental performance, increases sales. This finally encourages companies to take responsibility.
What has changed? The French have more at heart :
- Respect for the environment
- The ecological footprint
- The environmental approach of companies and the ecolabel of products
- The circular economy and waste sorting
- Organic farming
Companies can therefore afford to offer a price higher than the market since consumers, in their ecological commitments, accept to pay this price, a guarantee of quality and French know-how. Also, eco-labeled products with an ecological certification are more and more sought after by the French.
For example, companies in the mass distribution sector, such as Leclerc, have rethought their communication strategy, now focused on a more responsible and respectful approach.
The Made in France sector currently represents nearly 40,000 jobs for an annual turnover of 7.2 billion euros.
Finally, promoting Made in France abroad helps to improve the export of French production. Indeed, foreign consumers are increasingly interested in French products, which are synonymous with know-how, tradition, quality and refinement.
This is why many companies have experienced exponential growth thanks to exports. French know-how in sectors such as perfumery or gastronomy is recognized and certified internationally.
To understand everything about Made in France, we advise you to watch the following video:
Drop and Co’s eco-friendly approach
Drop and Co is a company that designs robotic systems for storing personal belongings in public places. For example, we have created the Paradrop: the storage system for securing umbrellas.
In a perspective of fairness and preservation of the planet, the Paradrop, as well as all other Drop and Co innovations, is produced in France (the assembly plant is in Bordeaux).
Our company wishes to rely on values that are important to us. Among them are ecology, sustainability and eco-responsibility. These principles of fair trade are the foundation on which we rely daily in our decisions. Thus our systems are :
Made in France
From French suppliers
For more information go to:
French manufacturing offers the possibility to be directly involved in society.
French consumers today tend to adopt simple gestures, and are therefore looking for authenticity in the products they buy. It is because of this craze for the ecological approach, and the sustainable development approach that the demand for Made in France is strong.
Thus, companies that have French manufacturing, and therefore a better respect of the environment, must focus their communication policy on this argument.
It is a useful consumption tool, which highlights the good image of the company. The Made in France mention must be everywhere, but especially proven. The consumer expects from the company a sure information.
Made in France is a way to prove to the consumer that environmentally friendly production centers are within reach. Drop and Co is one of these eco-responsible companies seeking continuous improvement.
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